Francesc Giné de Sola
Descarregar PdfDades personals-contacte / Datos personales-contacto / Personal information-contact
Nom/Nombre/Name: |
Francesc Giné de Sola |
Categoria/Categoría/Category: |
Titular d’Universitat / Titular de Universidad / Associate Professor |
Àrea/Área/Area: |
Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors / Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores / Architecture and Computer Technology |
Departament/Departamento/Department: |
Enginyeria Informàtica i Disseny Digital / Ingeniería Informática y Diseño Digital / Computer Engineering and Digital Design |
Centre/Centro/Center: |
Escola Politècnica Superior / Escuela Politécnica Superior/ Polytechnic School |
Despaxt/Despacho/Office: |
Campus de Cappont. Edifici EPS. Despatx 3.09 / Campus de Cappont. Edificio EPS. Despacho 3.09 / Campus of Cappont. EPS Building. Office 3.09 |
+34 973 70 27 48 |
Code ORCID: |
Formació acadèmica / Formación académica / Academic training
- Enginyer de Telecomunicació per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (1993)
- Doctor en Informàtica per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2004)
- Ingeniero de Telecomunicación por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (1993)
- Doctor en Informática per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2004)
- Telecomunication Engineer by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (1993)ç
- Doctor in Informatics by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2004)
Experiència professional / Experiencia profesional / Professional experience
- Professor Titular d’Ensenyament Secundari per l’Escola Les Heures (1992-1997)
- Professor a Temps Parcial a la UdL (1994-1997)
- Professor Titular d’Escola Universitària a la UdL (1997-2007)
- Professor Titular d’Universitat a la UdL (2007 fins l’actualitat)
- Profesor Titular de Enseñanza Secundaria en la Escuela Les Heures (1992-1997)
- Profesor a Tiempo Parcial en la UdL (1994-1997)
- Profesor Titular de Escuela Universitaria a la UdL (1997-2007)ç
- Profesor Titular de Universidad a la UdL (2007 hasta la actualidad)
- Full Professor of Secondary Education at Les Heures School (1992-1997)
- Part-time Professor at the UdL (1994-1997)
- Lecturer of the University School at the UdL (1997-2007)
- Associate Professor of University at UdL (2007 to present)
Docència / Docencia / Teaching
- Grau Enginyeria Informàtica
- Màster Enginyeria Informàtica
- Grado Ingeniería Informática
- Máster Ingeniería Informática
- Degree in Computer Engineering
- Master's Degree in Informatics Engineering
Gestió / Gestión / Management
- Cap d’Estudis de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL des de 15/05/98 fins 30/01/2001.
- Cap d’Estudis de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL des de 10/03/2004 fins a 05/03/2007.
- Sotsdirector de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL des de 6/03/2007 fins a 25/05/2011.
- Director de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL des de 8/06/2011 fins a 12/12/2019
- Jefe de Estudios de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la UdL desde 15/05/98 hasta 30/01/2001.
- Jefe de Estudios de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la UdL desde 10/03/2004 hasta 05/03/2007.
- Vicedirector de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la UdL desde 6/03/2007 hasta 25/05/2011.
- Director de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la UdL desde 8/06/2011 hasta 12/12/2019
- Head of studies at Polytechnic School from 15/05/98 to 30/01/2001.
- Head of studies at Polytechnic School from 10/03/2004 to 05/03/2007.
- Deputy Director at Polytechnic School from 6/03/2007 to 25/05/2011.
- Director at Polytechnic School from 8/06/2011 to 12/12/2019
Recerca / Investigación / Research
Àmbit de recerca / Ambito de investigación / Research area
Formo part del grup de Computació Distribuïda de la UdL (GCD) i he estat treballant bàsicament en l’àmbit de la Computació Distribuïda i en concret en les següents línies de recerca:
- Clusters Heterogenis
- Entorns P2P
- Clusters de visualització
- Computació en Big Data
Formo parte del grupo de Computación Distribuida de la UdL (GCD) i he estado trabajando básicamente en el ámbito de la computación distribuida. En concreto en las siguientes líneas de investigación:
- Clusters Heterogéneos
- Entornos P2P
- Clusters de visualización
- Computación en Big Data
I am part of the Distributed Computing Group of the UdL (GCD) and I have been working basically in the field of distributed computing. Specifically in the following lines of research:
- Heterogeneous Clusters
- P2P Environments
- Cluster Display Wall
- Big Data Computing
Activitats de recerca / Actividades de investigación / Research activities
- Tres sexenis de recerca
- Tesis doctorals dirigides: 4 finalitzades i 2 en curs
- Total Publicacions: 72 articles (23 en JCR)
- Total cites: 181
- Index-H: 7
Al llarg de la meva carrera de recerca he participat en 25 projectes d’investigació competitius i en 4 d’ells he estat investigador principal. D’aquests projectes, 17 són de l’àmbit estatal, 8 d’ells pertanyent als diferents programes del Pla Nacional I+D+I de Tecnologies Informàtiques (TIN), 7 són programes de la Generalitat de Catalunya i 2 de l’àmbit europeu, un pertany a la convocatòria TEMPUS i el segon a la convocatòria SUDOE. Així mateix, com a membre del grup GCD, formo part de la xarxa temàtica de Computació d’Altes Prestacions sobre Arquitectures Paral·leles i Heterogènies (CAPA-H).
Publicacions més destacades els darrers 5 anys:
- Barri I., Roig C., Giné F. Distributing game instances in a hybrid client-server/P2P system to support MMORPG playability. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no 4, pp:2005-2014, 2014. ISSN 1380-7501.
- Jordi Vilaplana; Jordi Mateo; Ivan Teixidó; Francesc Solsona; Francesc Giné; Concepció Roig. An SLA and power-saving scheduling consolidation strategy for shared and heterogeneous cloud. Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 1817-1832, 2015. ISSN: 0920-8542.
- Castellà D, Solsona F, Giné F. DisCoP: A P2P Framework for Managing and Searching Computing Markets. Journal of Grid Computing vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 115-137, 2016. ISSN: 1570-7873
- Arroyo I., Giné, F., Roig C., Granollers T. Analyzing Google Earth application in a heterogeneous commodity cluster display Wall, vol. 75, no 18, pp:11391-11416, 2014. ISSN :1380-7501.
- Arroyo I., Roig C., Giné F., Granollers A. Performance and usability tradeoff in a cluster display wall. Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol, 62, pp. 52-63, 2019. ISSN: 0920-5489.
Contribucions a Congressos els darrers 5 anys:
- Arroyo I., Giné F., Roig C., González M. User Experience on Heterogeneous Liquid Galaxy Cluster Display Walls. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Sydney (Australia), 2014.
- Arroyo I., Giné F., Roig C., Granollers T. Usability Analysis in the Liquid Galaxy Platform. 9th Internactional Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), Venice (Italy), 2016.
- Badia F., Giné F., Lérida J.L., Moltó M., Valls, M. Boosting Professional Competences and IT Companies’ Innovation in a Master Degree in Informatics Engineering. 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE), San José (California), 2018.
- Solé M., Giné f., Valls M., Bijedic N. Real Time Classification of Political tendency of Twitter Spanish Users based on Sentimental Analysis. 20th International Conference on Weblogs and Solkcial Media (ICWSM), Venyce (Italy), 2018.
Da Silva V., Giné F., Valls, M. Tapia D., Sarret M. Benefits of Applying Big-Data Tools for Log-Centralization in SMEs. International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS 2019), Quito Ecuador), 2019.
- Tres sexenios de investigación
- Tesis doctorales dirigidas: 4 finalizadas y 2 en curso.
- Total Publicaciones: 72 artículos (23 en JCR)
- Total citas: 181
- Index-H: 7
A lo largo de mi carrera de investigación he participado en 25 proyectos de investigación competitivos y en 4 de ellos he sido investigador principal. De estos proyectos, 17 son del ámbito estatal, 8 de ellos pertenecen a los diferentes programas del Plan Nacional I + D + I de Tecnologías Informáticas (TIN), 7 son programas de la Generalidad de Cataluña y 2 del ámbito europeo, uno pertenece a la convocatoria TEMPUS y el segundo a la convocatoria SUDOE. Asimismo, como miembro del grupo GCD, formo parte de la red temática de Computación de Altas Prestaciones sobre Arquitecturas Paralelas y Heterogéneas (CAPA-H).
Publicaciones más destacadas en los últimos 5 años:
- Barri I., Roig C., Giné F. Distributing game instances in a hybrid client-server/P2P system to support MMORPG playability. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no 4, pp:2005-2014, 2014. ISSN 1380-7501.
- Jordi Vilaplana; Jordi Mateo; Ivan Teixidó; Francesc Solsona; Francesc Giné; Concepció Roig. An SLA and power-saving scheduling consolidation strategy for shared and heterogeneous cloud. Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 1817-1832, 2015. ISSN: 0920-8542.
- Castellà D, Solsona F, Giné F. DisCoP: A P2P Framework for Managing and Searching Computing Markets. Journal of Grid Computing vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 115-137, 2016. ISSN: 1570-7873
- Arroyo I., Giné, F., Roig C., Granollers T. Analyzing Google Earth application in a heterogeneous commodity cluster display Wall, vol. 75, no 18, pp:11391-11416, 2014. ISSN :1380-7501.
- Arroyo I., Roig C., Giné F., Granollers A. Performance and usability tradeoff in a cluster display wall. Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol, 62, pp. 52-63, 2019. ISSN: 0920-5489.
Contribuciones destacadas a congresos en los últimos 5 años:
- Arroyo I., Giné F., Roig C., González M. User Experience on Heterogeneous Liquid Galaxy Cluster Display Walls. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Sydney (Australia), 2014.
- Arroyo I., Giné F., Roig C., Granollers T. Usability Analysis in the Liquid Galaxy Platform. 9th Internactional Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), Venice (Italy), 2016.
- Badia F., Giné F., Lérida J.L., Moltó M., Valls, M. Boosting Professional Competences and IT Companies’ Innovation in a Master Degree in Informatics Engineering. 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE), San José (California), 2018.
- Solé M., Giné f., Valls M., Bijedic N. Real Time Classification of Political tendency of Twitter Spanish Users based on Sentimental Analysis. 20th International Conference on Weblogs and Solkcial Media (ICWSM), Venyce (Italy), 2018.
Da Silva V., Giné F., Valls, M. Tapia D., Sarret M. Benefits of Applying Big-Data Tools for Log-Centralization in SMEs. International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS 2019), Quito Ecuador), 2019.
I am part of the Distributed Computing Group of the UdL (GCD) and I have been working basically in the field of distributed computing. Specifically in the following lines of research:
- Heterogeneous Clusters
- P2P Environments
- Cluster Display Wall
- Big Data Computing
- Three research periods recognised.
- Directed PhD Thesis: 4 co-directed and 2 in progress.
- Total Publitions: 72 papers (23 in JCR).
- Total citations: 181.
- Index-H: 7.
Throughout my research career I have participated in 25 competitive research projects and in 4 of them I have been the main researcher. Of these projects, 17 are from spanish calls, 8 of them belong to the different programs of the National R + D + I of Information Technologies (TIN), 7 are programs of the Generalitat of Catalonia and 2 of the European scope, one belongs to the TEMPUS call and the second call to the SUDOE call. Also, as a member of the GCD group, I am part of the thematic network of High Performance Computing on Parallel and Heterogeneous Architectures (CAPA-H).
Publications to highlight in the last 5 years:
- Barri I., Roig C., Giné F. Distributing game instances in a hybrid client-server/P2P system to support MMORPG playability. Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 75, no 4, pp:2005-2014, 2014. ISSN 1380-7501.
- Jordi Vilaplana; Jordi Mateo; Ivan Teixidó; Francesc Solsona; Francesc Giné; Concepció Roig. An SLA and power-saving scheduling consolidation strategy for shared and heterogeneous cloud. Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 1817-1832, 2015. ISSN: 0920-8542.
- Castellà D, Solsona F, Giné F. DisCoP: A P2P Framework for Managing and Searching Computing Markets. Journal of Grid Computing vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 115-137, 2016. ISSN: 1570-7873
- Arroyo I., Giné, F., Roig C., Granollers T. Analyzing Google Earth application in a heterogeneous commodity cluster display Wall, vol. 75, no 18, pp:11391-11416, 2014. ISSN :1380-7501.
- Arroyo I., Roig C., Giné F., Granollers A. Performance and usability tradeoff in a cluster display wall. Journal of Computer Standards & Interfaces, vol, 62, pp. 52-63, 2019. ISSN: 0920-5489.
Best contributions to congresses in the last 5 years:
- Arroyo I., Giné F., Roig C., González M. User Experience on Heterogeneous Liquid Galaxy Cluster Display Walls. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), Sydney (Australia), 2014.
- Arroyo I., Giné F., Roig C., Granollers T. Usability Analysis in the Liquid Galaxy Platform. 9th Internactional Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI), Venice (Italy), 2016.
- Badia F., Giné F., Lérida J.L., Moltó M., Valls, M. Boosting Professional Competences and IT Companies’ Innovation in a Master Degree in Informatics Engineering. 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE), San José (California), 2018.
- Solé M., Giné f., Valls M., Bijedic N. Real Time Classification of Political tendency of Twitter Spanish Users based on Sentimental Analysis. 20th International Conference on Weblogs and Solkcial Media (ICWSM), Venyce (Italy), 2018.
Da Silva V., Giné F., Valls, M. Tapia D., Sarret M. Benefits of Applying Big-Data Tools for Log-Centralization in SMEs. International Conference on Information Technology & Systems (ICITS 2019), Quito Ecuador), 2019.