Josep Conde i Colom
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Nom/Nombre/Name: |
Josep Conde i Colom |
Categoria/Categoría/Category: |
Professor TU / Profesor TU / Associate Professor |
Àrea/Área/Area: |
Estadística i Investigació Operativa / Estadística e Investigación Operativa / Statistics and Operations research |
Departament/Departamento/Department: |
Matemàtica / Matemática / Mathematic |
Centre/Centro/Center: |
Escola Politècnica Superior / Escuela Politécnica Superior/ Polytechnic School |
Despaxt/Despacho/Office: |
Campus de Cappont. Edifici EPS. Despatx 1.16 / Campus de Cappont. Edificio EPS. Despacho 1.16 / Campus of Cappont. EPS Building. Office 1.16 |
| |
+34 973 70 27 80 |
Code ORCID: |
Formació acadèmica / Formación académica / Academic training

Llicenciat en Ciències Matemàtiques i Doctor per la Universitat de Lleida

Llienciado en Ciencias Matemáticas y Doctor por la Universidad de Lleida

Master's degree of Mathematical Sciences / Doctoral degree from the University of Lleida
Experiència professional / Experiencia profesional / Professional experience

Docència / Docencia / Teaching

- Grau en Enginyeria Mecànica
- Grau en Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automàtica

- Grado en Ingeniería Mecánica
- Grado en Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automática

- Degree in Mechanical Engineering
- Degree in Industrial and Automatic Electronic Engineering
Gestió / Gestión / Management

Recerca / Investigación / Research
Àmbit de recerca / Ambito de investigación / Research area

- Grafs i digrafs extrems i excèntrics
- Mètodes estadístics aplicats a ciències experimentals.

- Grafos/digrafos extremales y excèntricos
- Métodos estadísticos aplicados a ciencias experimentales.

- Extremal (di)graphs and eccentric (di)graphs
- Statistical methods applied to experimental sciences.
Activitats de recerca / Actividades de investigación / Research activities

Comas, C.; Conde, J.; Mateu, J. A second-order test to detect spatio-temporal anisotropic effects in point patterns. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (DEU) pp. 717-733. (2018)
Pagán, J.; Conde, J.; Echavarría, A.P.; Ibarz, A. Optimizing the enzymatic elimination of clogging of microfiltration membrane by parellada grape cake Journal of Food Process Engineering (USA) 39, pp. 132-139. (2016)
Conde J; Gimbert J; González J; Miller M; Miret JM.On the nonexistence of almost Moore digraphs European Journal of Combinatorics (2014)
Teixidó I; Sebé F; Conde J; Solsona F. MPI-based implementation of an enhanced algorithm to solve the LPN problem in a memory-constrained environment. Parallel Computing (2014)
Conde J; Gimbert J; González J; Miret JM; Moreno R Non existence of almost Moore digraphs of diameter four Electronic Journal Of Combinatorics (2013)

Comas, C.; Conde, J.; Mateu, J. A second-order test to detect spatio-temporal anisotropic effects in point patterns. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (DEU) pp. 717-733. (2018)
Pagán, J.; Conde, J.; Echavarría, A.P.; Ibarz, A. Optimizing the enzymatic elimination of clogging of microfiltration membrane by parellada grape cake Journal of Food Process Engineering (USA) 39, pp. 132-139. (2016)
Conde J; Gimbert J; González J; Miller M; Miret JM.On the nonexistence of almost Moore digraphs European Journal of Combinatorics (2014)
Teixidó I; Sebé F; Conde J; Solsona F. MPI-based implementation of an enhanced algorithm to solve the LPN problem in a memory-constrained environment. Parallel Computing (2014)
Conde J; Gimbert J; González J; Miret JM; Moreno R Non existence of almost Moore digraphs of diameter four Electronic Journal Of Combinatorics (2013)

Comas, C.; Conde, J.; Mateu, J. A second-order test to detect spatio-temporal anisotropic effects in point patterns. Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics (DEU) pp. 717-733. (2018)
Pagán, J.; Conde, J.; Echavarría, A.P.; Ibarz, A. Optimizing the enzymatic elimination of clogging of microfiltration membrane by parellada grape cake Journal of Food Process Engineering (USA) 39, pp. 132-139. (2016)
Conde J; Gimbert J; González J; Miller M; Miret JM.On the nonexistence of almost Moore digraphs European Journal of Combinatorics (2014)
Teixidó I; Sebé F; Conde J; Solsona F. MPI-based implementation of an enhanced algorithm to solve the LPN problem in a memory-constrained environment. Parallel Computing (2014)
Conde J; Gimbert J; González J; Miret JM; Moreno R Non existence of almost Moore digraphs of diameter four Electronic Journal Of Combinatorics (2013)